Terraform 0.12.0 goes rc1

Release Candidate 1 - Terraform 0.12.0
May 8, 2019

Terraform 0.12.0 goes rc1

0.12.0 Release Candidate 1

Terraform - the much lauded, best of breed infrastructure as code go-to with its large set functionality and integrations with 3rd parties.

While being a fantastic tool, Terraform suffers a number of problems that you encounter when trying to do anything more than trivial relationships between modules. The issues anecdotally, are mainly to do with interpolation and this release promises to deliver rather significate wins in that space.

You can find the rc1 here: https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.12.0-rc1/

And an overview here: https://www.terraform.io/upgrade-guides/0-12.html

We try to practice terraform as terraservices in multi-account multi-region setups and have made some great in-roads into this topic.

Watch Nikki Watts on Teraservices

Another good blog on the topic https://www.hibri.net/2017/11/13/terraform-for-grownups/

We have our fingers crossed for the 0.12.0 release


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